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How To Use Spirulina Mask

7 Ways to Use the Correct Spirulina Mask for Maximum Results

The spirulina mask is made from an algae plant that is bluish-green in color. This mask contains nutrients and antioxidants that are useful for dealing with acne problems to clearing excess oil on the face.

In addition, spirulina masks can also help prevent various diseases including chronic diseases such as asthma, cancer, and even diabetes. How to wear a spirulina mask correctly? Here's how to use a spirulina mask for acne prone skin:

1. Clean Your Face First

The face that has not been applied to the spirulina mask, should be cleaned first with clean water. The face is washed using a facial cleanser that has a soft texture so that it can maintain skin moisture.

After washing with a facial cleanser, the face can be rinsed with plain water and dried using a tissue or cotton. Once dry, apply with a spirulina mask.

2. Mix Mask Powder with Water

To use it, you only need to prepare 2 mask capsules and mix enough water. The water used is clean cold water, to keep it safe. Spirulina masks are made of a dough that is not too runny and thick. After that, the mask can be directly applied to the face. Avoid using around the eyes.

3. Apply on Face and Neck

Spirulina mask that has become a dough can be directly applied to the face and neck. However, care must be taken in its use so as not to overdo it.

In addition, avoid using it around the eye area because it is not safe. Application can be done directly using fingers or with a brush. After being applied to the face and neck, wait for about 15 minutes. When finished, the face can be immediately rinsed with warm water.

4. Clean with Toner

The face that has just been smeared with a mask and has been rinsed with warm water, needs to also be cleaned using a facial toner to clean it optimally. If you don't want to rinse with warm water, you can also clean your face directly with toner.

5. Use Facial Skin Moisturizer

Spirulina masks that are used in excess and too often will make facial skin drier. For that, it is necessary to moisturize facial skin in order to control the oil that comes out on the facial skin. The use of moisturizers on facial skin should not be excessive, must be in accordance with the recommendations.

6. Mix Spirulina Mask with Olive Oil

Spirulina masks are made from natural ingredients that are very safe to use. In addition to using it directly, spirulina masks can also be used using other ingredients such as olive oil and then applied to the face. This is because olive oil has a lot of content in it, such as vitamins E and K, phenolics, nutrients and iron.

7. Combination of Spirulina Mask with Honey

Besides being able to be used with olive oil, spirulina masks can also be used by adding pure honey. The benefits of honey in a spirulina mask can make the skin more moist, hydrate the skin to be softer, treat acne, remove blackheads and clean pores.

The honey used is not too much, it only takes one tablespoon of pure honey and 2 (two) spirulina mask capsules. If you already use honey, you don't need to add water to the spirulina mask.

Spirulina masks are one of the masks that are now viral and are sought after by women. This is because of the many benefits that exist in spirulina masks to maintain healthy skin and beautify the face.

The use of spirulina masks must still be considered because it should not be excessive. Excessive use will have an adverse effect on the skin. For Realfoodfam who ask, how many days can you use this spirulina mask? It is recommended to use it 2 times a week every night before going to bed.

In addition to how to use a spirulina mask to get maximum results, Realfoodfam is also advised to eat lots of foods high in collagen, the face stays healthy and does not experience premature aging from within.

The Realfood Beauty Package Program consists of the Realfood Forever Young 12 Day Program enriched with 500mg collagen and the Forever Young+ 12 Day Program enriched with 1,000mg collagen.

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