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5 Delicious Vegetable Breakfast Menus to Strengthen Body Endurance

5 Delicious Vegetable Breakfast Menus to Strengthen Body Endurance

In order to stay fit and healthy, it's important to eat a healthy, nutritious breakfast. Like delicious vegetables that are easy to cook and can increase the body's immunity.

In addition to limiting activities outside the home and implementing health protocols, body immunity also needs to be maintained. One of them is by changing your diet to be healthier, and not skipping breakfast to keep your body in shape.

The vegetable breakfast menu is not always bland, even with simple ingredients, vegetables can be a breakfast menu that is no less delicious than chicken porridge or uduk rice. Especially if you use vegetables that are known to increase your body's immunity so you don't get sick easily.

Starting from spinach, peppers to broccoli which are suitable as a healthy breakfast menu to strengthen the immune system. Because it is rich in vitamins and minerals.

Here are five vegetables with nutrients and vitamins that can keep the body healthy.

5 Delicious Vegetable Breakfast Menus to Strengthen Body Endurance

1. Spinach
Foto stok gratis adat istiadat, alami, bagian
Easy to obtain and affordable, this spinach is suitable as a healthy breakfast menu for immunity. As reported by Healthline (26/06), spinach contains vitamin C, antioxidants and beta carotene which can ward off infection and strengthen the body's immune system.

In addition, spinach is very low in calories. Per 100 grams of spinach, the calorie range is about 23-26 calories. So that vitamins and nutrients are maintained, avoid cooking or processing spinach for too long. No need to be confused if you want to cook spinach into a delicious breakfast menu.

You can make scrambled spinach which is no less healthy. The combination of vitamins and protein from eggs, as well as spinach nutrition is suitable for filling energy in the morning. The ingredients are also easy to find

5 Delicious Vegetable Breakfast Menus to Strengthen Body Endurance

2. Broccoli
Sup Brokoli Dimasak
Similar to spinach, broccoli is also easy to find and can be enjoyed as a healthy breakfast menu. Broccoli is useful for increasing the metabolic system. Because these green vegetables contain glucoraphanin.

Glucoraphanin helps restore the body's metabolism to be more balanced. Then diligently eating broccoli can lower blood sugar levels, reduce the risk of various diseases related to aging and age.

Every 100 grams of broccoli, there are only about 34 calories. In addition, there is vitamin C in broccoli which prevents the body from getting sick easily. There are also vitamins C and E, as well as fiber which is good for the body's digestive system.

If you don't like the taste of broccoli, there is a recipe for stir-fried black pepper beef broccoli that is delicious and easy to cook. This breakfast menu is suitable to eat with warm white rice that is filling

3. Paprika
Paprika Merah
Often used as stir-fry for various dishes, actually paprika is included in the vegetables that are quite useful for increasing the body's immune system. For example, red peppers, this vegetable has a high vitamin C content. Even the vitamin C content in peppers, about three times more than Florida oranges.

As previously known, vitamin C does play an important role in keeping the body from getting sick easily. Per 100 grams of peppers there are 282 calories. It tastes quite sweet and not too spicy, if you want to process it into a delicious and special breakfast menu.

4. Tomato
Foto stok gratis Afrika, akar sayuran, alat makan
Quite low in calories, in 100 grams of tomatoes there are only 20 calories. These tomatoes are not only delicious as a mixture of chili sauce, but can also be cooked as a delicious nutritious breakfast menu.

There is a separate reason why tomatoes are included in a fruit or vegetable that is rich in benefits. Tomatoes contain lots of vitamin C and vitamin A, to prevent the entry of viruses into the body.

Tomatoes are also delicious cooked as fried rice with the addition of sausage. You can add sliced ​​fresh tomatoes to make it healthier.

5. Cabbage
Salad Sayuran Di Atas Mangkuk Keramik
Cabbage or cabbage is included in healthy vegetables that can increase the immune system for the body. Not much different from broccoli, this healthy vegetable can increase the body's immunity so it doesn't get sick easily.

5 Delicious Vegetable Breakfast Menus to Strengthen Body Endurance

Cabbage contains vitamins A, C, and E. They can also prevent cell DNA from being damaged easily, and prevent the body from developing cancer. But avoid consuming this vegetable raw, because it can cause gas in the body.
So you don't get bored at breakfast, this cabbage vegetable can be a filling for Korean-style cabbage omelette. Thick egg texture with crunchy cabbage crunch, perfect for eating in the morning


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